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Stock-Flow Consistent Political Business Cycle: Kalecki’s 1943 Model
"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast;mso-bidi-font-family:
Garamond'>Investigador asociado, Universidad Santa María La Antigua
(USMA), Apartado Postal 0819-08550, Panamá, República de Panamá.
27 de junio de 2018
01 de agosto de 2018
El pres=
trabajo analiza un modelo de ciclo económico político coheren=
te y
consistente donde la interacción entre la deuda financiera, la
distribución del ingreso y la política fiscal está med=
políticamente por la influencia relativa de los trabajadores y de las
empresas sobre la política gubernamental y los bienes proporcionados
públicamente. En países donde los impuestos son una alternati=
políticamente costosa para generar ingresos fiscales, la deuda finan=
la actividad de expansión fiscal para aumentar inicialmente los sala=
y aumentar la producción. Sin embargo, los mecanismos institucionales
mantienen a esos conductores a raya e impulsan un ciclo de parar y avanzar,
como sugirió Kalecki en su documento de referencia de 1943. Descubri=
que el empuje de los intereses laborales contra las partes interesadas del
negocio lleva a dinámicas no lineales sobre la deuda y los
déficits y crea incertidumbre sobre el camino del crecimiento a largo
Palabras clave: Economía, ciclos
económicos, deuda financiera, política fiscal, dinámica
económica no-lineal crecimiento económico.
This paper features a stock-flow
consistent political business cycle model where the interplay between finan=
debt, income distribution and fiscal policy is politically mediated by the
relative influence of workers and businesses over government policy and
publicly provided goods. In countries where taxes are a politically costly
alternative to generate fiscal revenue, debt finances fiscal expansionary
activity to initially raise wages and increase output. However, institution=
mechanisms keep such drivers in check, and prompt a stop-and-go cycle as
Kalecki suggested in his landmark 1943 paper. We find that the push of labor
interests against business stakeholders leads to nonlinear dynamics over de=
and deficits and creates uncertainty over long-term growth path.
Keywords: Economy, economic cycles, financ=
debt, fiscal policy, non-linear economy dynamics, economic growth
1 Introduction and motivation.=
In his sem=
1943 contribution, Kalecki discussed how the functional distribution of inc=
in society (between wages and profits) drove fiscal stabilization policy
sourced in financial markets and the political conflict over such resources.
Against that backdrop, this paper explores how the need for stabilization
depends on the relative clout of workers and firms, given the facilitation =
financial markets, which acts as a hinge between both groups.
In a downt=
both firms and workers push for stabilization through government spending to
increase demand, but businesses do so up to a point. As the bargaining powe=
r of
workers increases (and the economy draws closer to full capacity), firms lo=
for fiscal retrenchment. As raising taxes is a politically costly source of
public revenue, stabilization policy is derived from debt. However, whereas=
and recent alternative extensions focused in the struggle between businesses
and workers, we stress how this struggle plays under the guidance of
institutional mechanisms hardwired to government action.
1943 seminal paper [Kalecki(1943)] explained in great detail how the clash
between labor and capital expressed politically
across the welter of government action that kept (and strayed from) full
employment. By stressing the political mechanism he developed in this
particular paper, we believe our contribution departs considerably from what
would later become the standard Kaleckian canon. Unlike later Kaleckian mod=
where the profit share varies in tandem with the business cycle given the
stability of markups and the degree of monopoly prices in costs and labor, =
that earlier paper he proposed an institutional mechanism of conflict where
such dynamics focused on the role of government expenditures. Indeed, we tr=
y to
revisit his theory and propose a new perspective which integrates a view on=
markups determine relative bargaining power between workers and businesses,
without leaving aside the institutional workings of government, which
constrains popular demands for stabilization.
Kalecki’s political business cycle, government influence is non-linea=
r as
public expenditures benefit both =
and businesses, as profits and wages increase given favorable prospects for
accumulation and growth. The contradiction arises when these policies are
pursued beyond a given threshold of political tolerance, given government
With this =
mind, this paper proposes a stylized stock-flow consistent model to explain=
political decisions interact with debt and employment. In our model, firms
harbor vested interests to reduce the government’s role in the econom=
But during politically convenient episodes, business and labor align intere=
to jump-start economic activity, until government intervention increases wo=
clout and prompts the defection of firms.
After this
introduction, Section 2 surveys traditional and alternative Kaleckian-inspired conceptions of
Political Business Cycles (or PBCs for short). Section 3 introduces our
stylized facts. Section 4 details the models, while Section 5 attempts a ge=
analytical discussion.
Section 6
The political structure of business cycles.
According = to [Alesina(1988)], traditional PBC theories can be organized around a four-fo= ld schema that considers “whether voters evaluate candidates retro- or prospectively, whether economic actors have adaptive or rational expectatio= ns and whether policy makers have opportunistic (office-seeking) or partisan motivations” [Franzese(2002)]. However, we should add a fifth rubric = to explain how such political cycles center in dynamic distributive tensions.<= o:p>
l PBCs
explain conflicts of interest out of partisan differences or mere opportuni=
However, recent events have proven, often to the derision of much received
wisdom, that voters act out of awareness of their relative standing in the
functional distribution of income in society. Unlike Nordhaus’ canoni=
model [Nordhaus(1975)] where a simple Phillips’ curve policy relation
fiddles the dimensions of inflation and unemployment, in Kalecki the policy
dimensions rest on political / economic structures around such social
distribution of income. Nordhaus’ PBCs inspired the first wave of
mainstream models (indeed Nordhaus does recognize Kalecki as an inspiration=
an overlooked footnote), yet subsequent work failed to spark commentary acr=
distributive and productive dimensions [Olters(2004)]. Moreover, while all
these models are widely cited, researchers in the KaleckiGoodwin tradition =
stressed their macroeconomic implications without much discussion on their
political insights. We try to bridge this gap as a foreword to our stylized
In this
understanding of Kalecki, political leaders strive to win elections and keep
the allegiances of majority interests playing the conflict between employme=
creation, deficits, wages and profits, (which take them to power and ask in
return higher wages and employment) and elite business and financial intere=
(that keep them in power and profit from capital accumulation).
In countries that feature deep social
iniquities, taxes become an increasingly inconvenient alternative for
generating fiscal revenue. Therefore, governments prefer these policies to =
sourced by debt. Sources of government expenditure do matter, especially wh=
political costs to domestic stakeholders and investors factor in spending
strategies. Kalecki recognized as much when he wrote:
In the slump, eithe=
r under
the pressure of the masses, or even without it, public investment financed =
borrowing will be undertaken to prevent large scale unemployment. But if
attempts are made to apply this method in order to maintain the high level =
employment reached in the subsequent boom a strong opposition of
“business leaders” is likely to be encountered... lasting full
employment is not all to their liking. The workers would “get out of
hand” and the “captains of industry” would be anxious to
“teach them a lesson”. Moreover the price increase in the up-sw=
is to the disadvantage of small and big rentiers and
makes them boom tired [Kalecki(1943)].
conventional wisdom emphasizes the role of such spending (via the size of t=
multiplier, resources provided for government action to temper fluctuations=
employment (either through debt spending or tax increases) are sought and
supported by different constituencies. Taxes are a politically and economic=
costly source of public finance, as increased fiscal revenues dampen aggreg=
demand and derivatively, election prospects for incumbents. For this reason,
governments tap financial markets to pursue expansionary economic policy.
However, such persistent government
intervention in the economy erodes a state of confidence at the core of
financial market conditions. As Kalecki recognized:
Under a laissez-faire
the level of employment depends to a great extent on the so-called state of
confidence. If this deteriorates, private investment declines, which result=
s in
a fall of output and employment... This gives to the capitalists a powerful
indirect control over government policy: everything which may shake the sta=
of confidence must be carefully avoided because it would cause an economic
crisis [Kalecki(1943)].
This state of confidence expressed its=
in many ways: it drives financial markets or nudges business plans, investm=
in capital goods or business consumption. However, the binding constraint f=
government action is not necessarily the appetite of financial markets, but
institutional checks established to prevent popular control of economic
decisions. Indeed, dislike for government spending grows contentious if the
objects of spending are increasingly considered to rival private activities
(like public investment) or subvert the bargaining clout of firms - for
example, transfers and subsidies. But even more importantly, increased work=
clout (expressed by higher wages) may cause a qualitative shift in business
climate - as Kalecki explained:
Indeed, under a regime of permanent fu=
employment, the ‘sack’ would cease to play its role as a
‘disciplinary measure’. The social position of the boss would be
undermined, and the self-assurance and class-consciousness of the working c=
would grow... ‘Discipline in the factories’ and ‘political
stability’ are more appreciated than profits by business leaders. The=
class instinct tells them that lasting full employment is unsound from their
point of view, and that unemployment is an integral part of the
‘normal’ capitalist system Kalecki1943.
Uneven pre=
between workers and firms around this threshold of tolerance produced a
fragile, politically-driven dynamic induced by the “stop-and-go”
character of social expenditure. As the role of government in the determina=
of economic activity increased, it eventually rouses the opposition of busi=
leaders, as the new state of affairs strengthens the political undertow in
favor of workers.
Moreover, =
importantly, financial markets play a role via the state of economic
expectations. As the economy draws closer to full capacity, government acti=
becomes the rudder of economic activity, and crowds out the private
sector’s direct role in this regard. As the private sector’s ro=
decreases, financial markets will deem riskier the government debt used for
stabilization, align themselves with businesses given the increased clout of
workers and ask for higher yields. Higher borrowing costs signal policymake=
to scale back spending, policy which deflates wages and renews business
Stylized facts: The political content of fiscal policy.
As introdu=
ced by
Kalecki, these considerations apply to democratic market economies with
responsive governance structures with access to financial markets. Governme=
borrows to shirk the recourse of higher taxes to pay for politically conven=
expansionary activity. For internationally-linked economies, adjustment occ=
mainly through the depreciation of the exchange rate, although domestically
such adjustment may also take place through an increase in government bond
yields. Under our model, adjustment takes place mainly through the latter, =
domestic financial markets will become jittery given lax thresholds of
political influence to popular opinion, as expressed in the desire to expand
deficits and increase the clout of domestic worker constituencies.
With respect to the former, [Perez-Caldentey(2009), Perez-Caldentey(2007)]
described in a series of papers the mechanism by which the above narrative =
for CARICOM countries. Using an analogous stock-flow model, he argued that
monetary circumstances provide hard constraints for growth in these countri=
international financial architecture provides the framework for the working=
s of
‘real forces’. Indeed, were there no external constraints,
countries could pursue full employment policies through fiscal policy, or
proposals such as an international clearing union or a regional monetary
institution or regional fund Perez-Caldentey2009.
Indeed, wh=
the papers do not delve on on the political dynamics affecting such fiscal
issues, he argues that fiscal reform faces perennial difficulties as extern=
shocks affect international demand for exports and governments in these
countries are pressured (and expected) to pick up demand. This frustrates s=
calls for reforms as initiatives are captured and weakened by special inter=
groups in key strategic sectors.
Given these
conditions, external, government and often private sector deficits increased
the Caribbean stock of debt, and such debt burdens loop into difficult
refinancing choices. However, he wisely warned that “government
expenditures do not necessarily result in low growth or high debt levels. T=
outcome depends on the interaction
between government, external, and the private sector, an interaction th=
is the basis for stock-flow modelling [the emphasis is ours].”
A more gen=
take on the interaction between these three sectors was proposed by
[Epstein(2001)] in his discussion about pro-labor and pro-rentier stances w=
it came to central bank policy. In that paper, Epstein discussed how
financialization magnified the rentier motivations behind the relative
interests of industry and finance with respect to labor. He argued that such
policies depended on four factors: the productive structure of the economy,=
institutional structure of the central bank (i.e. its integration or
independence from government), the linkages between finance and industry and
the international position of the country.
[Kalecki(1943)], political tensions expressed endogenously in government
policy. For this reason, we capture both the exogenous and endogenous polit=
pressures as noted with the wage, labor and financial yield target reaction
functions and exogenous government spending preferences. Taken together, th=
lead to an examination of the institutional structure behind such spending =
the influence of financial markets, especially as institutional government
mechanisms constrain over the long-run the clout of worker voters. Barring
favorable borrowing terms (especially due to geopolitical considerations, l=
those behind the exceptional privilege of the United States dollar (and the=
original sin of the rest of the
countries) [Eichengreen et al.(2002)Eichengreen, Hausmann, and Panizza]), no
government can borrow indefinitely to finance its budget deficit without a
paying political price. Indeed, reflecting on the motivations behind his
landmark 1979 paper, Anthony Thirlwall recognized that “there is a li=
to the deficit/GDP ratio, and international debt/GDP ratio, beyond which
financial markets get nervous” [Thirlwall(2011)].
The use of=
finances stop-and-go stabilization policy. This allows political groups to
balance broad electoral support and narrower business and financial interes=
to keep incumbency. This is readily seen in Figure 1 below, which plots the
standard deviation of the primary balance and the average change in politic=
polarization as a proxy for class divisions for OECD countries. Increased
political polarization correlates with more volatile government budgets. Wi=
low taxes and high deficits, institutional compacts come under cyclical str=
as majoritarian and elite interests alternate in power.
Figure 1:
t of
the standard deviation of the primary budget balance (i.e. the difference
between current government spending and revenues from taxes) and the average
change in political polarization (defined as the probability that two deput=
picked at random from among the opposition parties will be of different
parties) for 1980-2012 for selected OECD countries (Austria, Belgium, Denma=
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norwa=
Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States). Source: World Economic Outlo=
IMF October 2012 http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/ weo/2012/02/weodata/index.aspx and World Bank 2012 Database of Politi=
Institutions http://go.worldbank.org/2EAGGLRZ40.
The model
market structure and investment: Accrued profits to business with respe=
to output is the profit share π=
where π =3D (1 − ψ), where ψ is the wage share. Businesses and have pricing power over
market production through a markup =
over average variable costs, comprised of labor costs. Relative bargain=
power over workers determines the markup:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (1)
Investment is a function of investment
demand as determined by the growth rate of capital stock and the capital growth rate, as all=
by saving supply,
Growth in capital expenditure demand is a function of the profit rate
(where K is the level of capital
stock, fixed at K¯ over the
short-run), the output-capital ratio
autonomous investment demand I<=
sub>0 (or
animal spirits):
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; gi =3D I0
+ [g1(1 −=
; ψ) + g2]u &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (2)
Where g1,g2 > 0. In turn, growth in savings is determined by the after-t=
savings of workers sψ and
businesses sπ o=
ut of
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; gs =3D [sπ(1
− ψ) + sψψ](1 −=
; t)u &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (3)
Where sψ,sπ
> 0 and t is the t=
rate. Business owner consumption is a portion b out of after-tax, unsaved non-invested profits and transfers,=
Cπ =3D b(1 − ψ)(1 − sπ)(1
− t)Y + pπ =
pπ is a public =
transfer to business owners).
wage share ψ is the total =
wage bill w with respect to out=
put Y which is the real wage per worke=
r ω divided by labor productivi=
(i.e. where L is labor and Y is output).
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; <=
/span> &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; =
Where P
are prices. Workers consume their after-tax, unsaved income plus transf=
(of public goods, see below), so C<=
=3D (1−sψ=
+pψ, where =
Cψ is worker
consumption, sψ is
worker saving and pψ is
a public good transfer to workers.
The government policy function: Government
spends G0 and target=
s a
welfare function to maximize a rivalrous, non-excludable public good p (where p =3D pψ + pπ) subject to
democratic control via a policy function H(·),
hence G =3D G0 + H(p). The provision of this public g=
increase wage and profit income earmarked for consumption, so and
(where upper script denotes partial derivatives with respect to p).
This welfare function in spending
maximizes majority rule in total consumption of private and public goods of
business owners and workers subject to available tax resources over the
polity’s policy horizon T=
. The
welfare function Λ is:
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; Λ =3D=
X(Cψ + Cπ) &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; (5)
Subject to the government constraint G =3D T
+ D(1 − i) − G0 − H=
(p) + R
where D is total government
(debt) borrowing over T, iD is interest payable on governme=
debt and T are collected taxes.
Additionally, the constraint includes the democratic rents in securing such
majority rule by politicians, as denoted by R
(where R =3D R(ψ), and Rψ > 0). On that
note, the government policy function becomes:
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; Max Λ s.t
T + D − G0 − H(p)
− iD − R =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp; (6)
Using Lagrange multipliers λ in the function L:
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; T =
sp; =
L =3D X(Cψ + C<=
+ λX(T + D
− G0 ͨ=
2; H(p)
− iD − R) =3D 0
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; t=3D0 &nb=
sp; =
; &n=
bsp; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; (7)
Solving fo=
r the steady
state costs of politicians to secure a majority under such a policy problem
leads to:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (8)
Under this policy problem, the costs f=
majority rule require higher relative consumption by workers of the marginal
public good as a share of all consumable available public goods, in additio=
n to
the marginal production of such goods for this social group.
Political influences in the government budget=
deficits: Given
this policy function, democratic governments would face politically unbalan=
budgets over the planning horizon as ruling interests cater to labor groups=
keep in power. Rents required to secure a majority consistently imply a
political provision of spending beyond what is allowed by the budget
constraint. For this reason, some institutional mechanism implicit in
government expenditures must restrain political expenditures over the short=
periods as to make Rψ∗ as close to zero. Doing so requires
lowering the bargaining power of labor at the level of G where p and ψ are maximized (we call this=
G∗, where
To keep the government budget constrai=
government would need to endogenously restrict the provision of the public =
at G∗ to make Rψͨ=
7; =
sup>− γ(ψ) =3D 0. The budget deficit D˙
is a function of autonomous government expenditures G0 and the provision of the public good g, collected taxes T, interest payable on government debt iGD and a political reaction function γ that itself is determined b=
y the
sensitivity of spending to the the wage share ψ:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; ∆D =3D G0
− T + iGD + [p − γ(ψ)] &nb=
sp; =
sp; (9)
The political reaction function γ measures the elasticity of
government expenditures with respect to the wage share. Arguably, it is the
political sensitivity of government decreasing expenditures when the bargai=
power of workers increases. Total tax collections are taxes paid by workers=
businesses of their respective claims to output (we assume a flat tax t =3D t¯over
wages and profits), hence T =3D=
− t¯)(1 − ψ)Y + (1 − t&ma=
cr;)ψY =3D tY¯ .
market influence in fiscal policy: Government reacts to financial markets
given how the latter discount new offerings of sovereign debt, using intere=
st i as the running yield (and refina=
cost) of such (zero-coupon) government securities. Indeed, such yields desc=
how new and existing debt burdens are discounted, priced according to the d=
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; (10)
Where φ1 > 0. With this in mind, we can marginally modify γ to internalize how governme=
react to international bondholders given a debt-to-capacity target (as give=
n by
). Indeed,=
government’s reaction to debt markets depends on how politically feas=
are interest and principal payments to be paid on outstanding liabilities o=
the long term. Taken together, then Eq. (9) becomes:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (11)
Where government spending is and γ1,γ2 are the politi=
sensitivity to worker bargaining power and debt levels respectively.
financial sector: The financial sector issues deposit accounts to accommoda=
households and business owner saving, offers loans to finance capital
expenditures for businesses and buys government securities. It pays a iS rate on worker Sψ and business ow=
ner Sπ savings and rec=
eives iL and iD from loans L and
government securities D respect=
On that note, the deposit-loan interest risk spread iL − i=
is defined by the running yield on government securities iG:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp; iL − iS =3D iG &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (12)
Macroeconomic balance: To close t=
model and achieve macroeconomic balance, we simply state gi + gd=
gs =3D πB where πB
is the profit rate of the financial sector as determined by Equations 2, 3 and=
above and the transaction matrix below, and
5 Steady state solutions, shor=
effects and growth.
5.1 &nb=
Steady states and closures:
For our model closure, τ sets the relative bargaining
power of businesses with respect to capital, and in turn sets the profit and
the wage share in the economy. A high τ
translates to high markups and consequently, high profits accrued to
businesses. After setting ψ∗ and π∗, we can solve for equilibrium output Y ∗:
Where T=
86; =3D .
Despite the non-linear nature of deficits and debt, we solve for D∗:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; (14)
Where ]=
4; =3D G0−tY¯ ͨ=
;∗. This opens up two solutions: As long γ1ψͨ=
7;+tY¯ ∗ > G0=
sub>+p, the root will remain real, and =
level of debt will either be for a net debtor or net creditor (or between
higher and lower debt levels). The unstable solution will be for the former=
, as
higher debt levels strengthen worker bargaining power regardless of the
institutional checks to their clout.
With respe=
ct to
rates, government running yields equal while saving rates
. These ra=
determine loan rates at
Finally, loan amounts
are <=
!--[if gte vml 1]> and bank profits B∗ =
sup>=3D i∗LL∗ + i∗G=
sub>D∗ =
sup>− iS∗ Y <=
5.2 &nb=
Deficits, debt and worker bargaining power ov=
the short-run: We start our analysis with how debt reacts to increases=
wage shares, and hence, in the relative bargaining power of workers. Indeed,
the dynamics of debt are non-linear and unstable, as exhibited by the first=
second derivatives of Equation 14 above:
Figure 2 b=
shows a representation of deficits in the ∆D function. Given its quadratic solution with positive slope an=
d a
convex shape, it has two equilibrium points, one which is unstable as prese=
Figure 2:
To assess the effect of the wage share=
the dynamics of debt and deficits, we need to determine some aspects of the
multiplier. Indeed, the multiplier describes a wage-led economy (as strong
wages push demand higher, despite the relative strength of savings from pro=
with respect to wages, sπ=
sψ). Hence, 0.
Given this condition, we can perform some perturbation analysis via a Taylor
expansion around D<=
style=3D'mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Cambria Math",serif;mso-bid=
"Cambria Math"'>∗, through a shock in ψ:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp; &=
nbsp; &nbs=
p; =
We ignore higher order effects. In
Equation 17, over the short run, the political elasticity to the bargaining
power of wages in the creation of deficits and the tax rate will dampen the
scope of the wage shock, as the political system will respond endogenously =
contain the effects of the multiplier.
deficits and long-run dynamics: The macroeconomic balance in the stock
flow matrix supposes that excess investment demand and government deficits =
key in capital creation. Both determine the creation of financial assets and
profits for the financial sector given the relative bargaining power between
workers, government and business interests. If we assume steady-state growt=
h in
tandem with financial profits, B =
i>=3D gK:
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; <=
/span>gi + gd
− gs =3D πB =3D g =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; &n=
bsp;  =
; (18)
Where g is the growth rate of all capital
assets. Under these conditions, we can qualitatively analyze in Figure 3 how
growth paths are dynamically influenced by changes in worker bargaining pow=
across debt dynamics (assuming g1
< γ1):=
Figure 3:
Shocks to =
bargaining power can prompt unstable growth dynamics over debt and investme=
Increased conflict can change growth trajectories, as the higher bargaining
power of labor pushes deficits higher, and also nudges government to retali=
and reduce economic activity via fiscal retrenchment, and lower the clout of
workers via institutional checks.
This docum=
linked how debt, distribution and politically-driven stabilization act over=
short to medium-run through a stock-flow consistent political business cycl=
In a seminal paper, Kalecki sought to disentangle the political drivers of =
struggle between capital and labor interests in democratic polities. Using a
stylized model extension which factors financial debt markets, we suggest a
model where debt-driven stabilization cycles play a critical role in the
determination of politically driven deficits, especially when taxes are
politically costly and government finance is politically sensitive. We beli=
this formal synthesis tracks Kalecki’s original PBC model.
Even when
business owners and firms would prefer to reduce the government’s rol=
e in
the economy, politically convenient episodes align their with labor to press
ahead and jump-start economic activity via government action, until that
intervention increases the clout of workers and prompts defection. In count=
where taxes are a politically costly and inconvenient alternative to genera=
fiscal revenue, debt finances fiscal expansion, especially when debt securi=
are highly coveted by international financial markets. And more importantly,
how such debt is secured, sourced and spent is at the core of a fundamental
political calculus between labor, government, financial markets and busines=
Depending =
prevailing economic conditions and the behavior of private interests, how
politicians react to this structural political calculus leads to different
policy choices and dynamics. Nonetheless, under unfavorable economic prospe=
or ingrate political choices, structural shifts and social polarization lea=
d to
increased conflict. For this reason, turning a blind eye to the political
effects of economic decisions may prove to be a self-defeating policy
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