Editorial Team
Organizational structure
The IPC Journal is structured within the Directorate of Research of the USMA and in its periodic production the following instances are involved:
The Director-Editor.
The Scientific Council, which serves as an Ad Hoc advisory body of a technical nature. It is composed of an odd number of renowned academics, with extensive experience in research and in the publication of scientific articles.
The Editorial Team, which develops the functions necessary for the regular production of each issue of the magazine. This team is directed by the Director-Editor and is made up of the Administrative-Financial Officer, the Graphic Designer and the IT Specialist.
The body of technical evaluation peers (arbitrators), suggested by the Scientific Council.
Scientific Council:
Prof. Francisco Blanco (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Dr. Abdel Solís (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Dr. Luis Sierra (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica)
Dra. María Antonieta Rebeil (Universidad Anáhuac, México)
Dr. Luis Pulido Ritter (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Dr. David Edgar (Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland)
Dr. Mario Correa Bascuñán (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Dr. Chris Alden (London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, Reino Unido)
Dr Alvaro Mendez (London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, Reino Unido)
Dr. Nelson Valdés Sánchez (Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile)
Editorial Team:
Dra. Virginia Torres-Lista (Director-Editor) (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Dr. Luis Carlos Herrera (Director-Editor) (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Lic. Yessika Aguilar (Graphic Designer) (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Ing. Marcos E. González-Guzmán (Computer Specialist) (Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panamá)
Postal Address:
Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Postgrado y Extensión
(c/o Dra. Virginia Torres-Lista, Director –Editor Revista IPC)
Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua
Apdo. postal 0819-08550
Panamá, Republic of Panamá
Phone: (507) 230-8363
Email: [email protected]