Revolution in Structural Design: AI vs. Traditional Methods in Foundations Design


  • Gabriel Montúfar Universidad de Panamá



structural design, artificial intelligence, civil engineering, automation, neural networks


Traditional structural design requires technical knowledge, factor analysis, and regulatory compliance (Ching & Adams, 2019). The process involves gathering information, conducting research, and proposing optimized solutions (Das, 2019). Technology has streamlined mathematical calculations, but the creative phase remains the task of the professional. The design software allows 3D modeling, calculation reports and construction plans quickly, as long as the professional enters the correct information. However, the introduction of GPUs and neural networks is changing the landscape. Now the structural design is proposed through prompt engineering, where the neural network carries out both the creative and design work, supervised by the professional. This significantly reduces the time and effort required compared to the traditional method. The question arises as to how long it will take before the qualified civil engineer is no longer relevant in structural design. Some experts suggest that by 2030, neural networks could overcome the need for human intervention in analytical tasks (Tartaglione, 2019). The article proposes to compare the design of a complex foundation using the traditional method against that carried out by an engineer using three advanced neural networks: Chat-GPT 4o, Gemini 1.5 Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Montúfar, Universidad de Panamá

Universidad de Panamá. (Panamá).


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How to Cite

Montúfar, G. (2025). Revolution in Structural Design: AI vs. Traditional Methods in Foundations Design. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 13(1), 12–21.