Active Learning for Assisted Recognition of Electronic Components: An Instructional Design with insAItech Circuit Mentor


  • Ricardo Cattafi Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua



Electronic Component Recognition, Instructional Design, Education 4.0


Electronic component recognition is a fundamental skill for electronic engineering stu-dents. Traditionally, this learning takes place through non-assisted laboratory practices, where some students face difficulties in recognizing components. In this regard, the princi-ples of the Education 4.0 philosophy suggest the use of new technological tools that could be applied as assistants in the teaching-learning process. This article proposes an instruc-tional design that incorporates the insAItech Circuit Mentor tool as a computer vision-based assistant to enhance the teaching and learning of passive component recognition in laboratory exercises for the "Electronic Technical Drawing Laboratory" course.   This ap-proach, based on Kolb's Experiential Learning Model and Gagné and Briggs' instructional model, promotes active, personalized, and interactive learning. Using the device can allow students to explore components, obtain detailed information, and receive immediate feedback, creating a more dynamic and engaging learning experience than traditional methods. This work, although in a presentation phase, lays the groundwork for the future development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the instructional design and the in-sAItech Circuit Mentor tool.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Cattafi, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua

Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua (USMA), Panamá.


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How to Cite

Cattafi, R. (2025). Active Learning for Assisted Recognition of Electronic Components: An Instructional Design with insAItech Circuit Mentor. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 13(1), 40–58.