Evaluación de Pseudomona spp. y Coliformes asociados a parámetros abióticos en fuentes de agua subterráneas de la región de Azuero





Coliforms, underground water


In the groundwater are conveyed many parasites, coliform bacteria and other species such as the Pseudomona aeruginosa, Klebsiela, Enterococci, aerobic mesophilic, among others. Being a dangerous source of poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases. The main objective of this study was to determine the occurrence or absence of P. aeruginosa in dry and rainy season in Wells of groundwater in the province of Herrera and Los Santos, and its relationship with physicochemical parameters. This study was non-experimental, which consisted in taking random 15 wells of groundwater in the province of Herrera and Los Santos province both in dry season and rainy, was to determine the occurrence of Pseudomonas spp. with measuring chemical physical field parameters. Results, showed that the levels of growth of P. aeruginosa in groundwater from wells of the Los Santos province, indicate that it is higher in significant quantities in both periods compared to the province of Herrera, the rainy season presented a greater occurrence of P. aeruginosa in comparison with the dry season, physicochemical parameters were kept constant in the two periods of study, concluded that the levels of residual chlorine in both provinces the maximum values required by the standard of Quality of water drinking DGNT-COPANIT 23-395-99, in regards to the times study were, found almost acceptable values for the province of Herrera but certain failure for the province of Los Santos.


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Author Biography

Alexis De La Cruz

Docente e investigador de la Universidad de Panamá,

Investigador del Ministerio de Salud, Departamento de Calidad de Agua.



How to Cite

De La Cruz, A. (2019). Evaluación de Pseudomona spp. y Coliformes asociados a parámetros abióticos en fuentes de agua subterráneas de la región de Azuero. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 7(2), 19–34. https://doi.org/10.37387/ipc.v7i2.110