The TERCE in vulnerable populations of Panama




cluster analysis, Panama, socioeconomic index, TERCE, unfavorable context, vulnerable populations


This study aimed to identify official schools in Panama that obtained averages higher than the national average in the tests of reading, mathematics, and science in third and sixth grade, which were in unfavorable contexts. This article shows the analysis made through quantitative research, using data from the Third Explanatory Regional Comparative Study (TERCE, after its acronym in Spanish), conducted by the LLECE of the UNESCO (2013). According to the socioeconomic and cultural level, the 137 official schools were grouped in four clusters through the K media conglomerate method. In the cluster with the most severe averages, i.e., -1.44 for sixth grade and -1.22 for third grade, respectively, no schools with averages above the national average were found.  In the cluster with an index of -0.62 for sixth grade and -0.60 for third grade (which was the second cluster in terms of severity of unfavorable conditions), three schools with averages higher than the national value were found in all evaluated curricular areas.  Clusters obtained showed differences due to socioeconomic conditions among schools, allowing the formulation of recommendations for national educative policy in Panama.


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Author Biographies

Daysi Jackson

Docente, Colegio San Carlos, Ministerio de Educación. Panamá.

Rosa Arrocha

Docente, Departamento de Estadística, Facultad de Economía, Universidad de Panamá. Panamá

Jaime Estrella

Investigador independiente, Especialista en Gestión de Investigación. Panamá



How to Cite

Jackson, D., Arrocha, R., & Estrella, J. (2021). The TERCE in vulnerable populations of Panama. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 9(3), 51–67.