Work stress of the nursing staff in a tertiary care institution in Mexico City




Work stress, Nursing, Primary health care, Hospital administration


Introduction: Nurses are at risk of work-related stress, which generates retention and functioning problems at work and home. There is a growing interest in stress in professionals related to health care; nursing personnel is not exempt from this situation. Therefore, their health is essential in carrying out their activities, since without it, they cannot perform an adequate job. General Objective: To determine the level of work stress of the nursing staff and its association with sociodemographic variables of a tertiary care hospital in Mexico City. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional design, sample 115 nursing professionals from a National Institute of tertiary care, stratified random sampling. Measuring instruments: personal and work data card, Work Stress Test, and Hamilton stress test. Results: average age was 39.7 years (SD. 7.6 years) average working-age 13.2 years (SD. 8.2 years), the Hamilton test shows that 46.1% (f. 53) are without stress, in the stress test Modified work-related stress levels are shown in 18.3% (f. 21) and high stress in 10.4% (f. 47). Conclusions: The nursing personnel present under work stress. Therefore, authorities of the institution are encouraged to continue with the strategies of continuous improvement where the health of their workers is managed. In this way, the quality of care can be guaranteed—the users.


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Author Biographies

Luis Carlos Cortez-González, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila, México

Profesor de tiempo completo. Facultad de Enfermería U.S. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila, México.

Martín Pantoja-Herrara

Jefe del departamento de enseñanza e investigación del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación “Dr. Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra”. Ciudad de México, México

Diana Berenice Cortes-Montelongo

Profesor de Tiempo Completo. Facultad de Enfermería U.S. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila, México.

María Ascención Tello-García

Profesor de Tiempo Completo. Facultad de Enfermería U.S. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila, México.

José Luis Nuncio-Domínguez

Profesor de Tiempo Completo. Facultad de Enfermería U.S. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila, México.



How to Cite

Cortez-González, L. C., Pantoja-Herrara, M., Cortes-Montelongo, D. B., Tello-García, M. A., & Nuncio-Domínguez, J. L. (2022). Work stress of the nursing staff in a tertiary care institution in Mexico City. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 10(2), 04–22.