Exploring Educational Inclusion in Teachers at San José de Bernardino School, Panama: Factorial Analysis
statistical analysis, special educational needs (SEN), inclusive practicesAbstract
The study focuses on evaluating the competencies and attitudes of teachers in regular classrooms in relation to the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). To address this topic, questionnaires were administered to teachers that explore various dimensions such as attitudes, knowledge, and inclusive practices. Statistical analyses were employed to evaluate the responses and understand the correlations between different variables. A 62% of the teachers show a positive attitude toward the inclusion of students with SEN. This data suggests that the majority of teachers are willing to adopt inclusive practices in their classrooms. However, this positive attitude is undermined by a lack of specialized knowledge. In the questionnaire, teachers often admitted to having little or no knowledge about the different disabilities and learning challenges these students may face. This gap in specialized knowledge is concerning, especially because these teachers are the ones responsible for implementing inclusive practices in their classrooms. Additionally, the results suggest that although teachers are making efforts to implement inclusive practices, a lack of training and knowledge in this area seriously limits the effectiveness of these practices. The lack of preparation not only affects the quality of education that students with SEN receive, but it could also have an impact on the overall dynamics of the classroom and the performance of other students.
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