Deterioro cognitivo leve y depresión en el adulto mayor




mental health, brain, neurophysiology, cognition, aging


Depression and mild cognitive impairment are common conditions in elderly adults. Both are factors that reduce the independence of older adults to perform the activities of daily living. These conditions are also risk factors for the development of dementias, especially Alzheimer's dementia. In addition, they increase the risk of mortality when they co-occur with other chronic diseases. In this review article we describe briefly aspects of the relationship between depression and cognitive impairment, the importance of conducting research focused on these conditions, the main hypotheses that arise during the study of their comorbidity, and lastly the methods employed for their evaluation and diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Ámbar Pérez

Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua 0819-08550, Centro de Neurociencias y Unidad de Investigación Clínica, Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT AIP) 0843-01103, Pmá 5  

Diana Oviedo

Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua 0819-08550

Gabrielle Britton

Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua 0819-08550. Centro de Neurociencias y Unidad de Investigación Clínica, Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT AIP) 0843 - 01103, Pmá 5



How to Cite

Pérez, Ámbar, Oviedo, D., & Britton, G. (2018). Deterioro cognitivo leve y depresión en el adulto mayor. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 6(2), 05–12.