Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Panamanian Undergraduate Students of Psychology, Engineering, and Fine Arts


  • Rolando F. Trejos Universidad de Panamá
  • Gabrielle B. Britton Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología



college students, homonegativity, LGBTQ , religiosity, racism


Attitudes toward homosexuality have improved worldwide; however, these changes have not occurred equally across all countries and territories. Extensive research has assessed attitudes toward LGBTQAI+ individuals among college students. Yet, the way in which gender, degree programs, intrinsic religiosity, and modern racism play a role in the attitudes toward homosexuality among college students remains unclear. This cross-sectional study examines attitudes toward homosexuality among 173 undergraduate students from the University of Panama, evaluating the role of sociodemographic factors (gender and degree program) and structural factors (religiosity and modern racism). Undergraduate students 18 years or older who were enrolled in a degree program in psychology, engineering, and fine arts schools were eligible for this study. Participants included 79 undergraduate students from psychology (46.0%), 57 from engineering (33.0%), and 37 from fine arts (21.0%). Respondents completed the Spanish versions of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale, the Modern Racism Scale, and the Francis Scale of Attitude Towards Christianity. Results suggest the presence of homonegativity among Panamanian undergraduates, with males and engineering students reporting greater negative attitudes compared to all other groups. Intrinsic religiosity is positively correlated with homonegativity, while sublimated racism is not correlated with homonegativity. An interesting area of study related to this research is the impact of self-reported sexual orientation or having LGBTQAI+ acquaintances upon attitudes toward homosexuality among Panamanians. Further research is necessary to explore long-term changes in attitudes toward sexual minorities in Panama and to justify interventional efforts to prevent discrimination and promote well-being among LGBTQAI+ Panamanians.


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Author Biographies

Rolando F. Trejos, Universidad de Panamá

Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT AIP).

Universidad de Panamá. (Panamá)

Gabrielle B. Britton, Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología

Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT AIP).


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How to Cite

Trejos, R. F., & Britton, G. B. (2024). Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Panamanian Undergraduate Students of Psychology, Engineering, and Fine Arts. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 12(2), 44–53.