El TERCE en Panamá: una mirada a los logros de aprendizaje y factores asociados





learning achievements, performance levels, education, associated factors, TERCE Panamá


This article shows the results of Panama from a mixed study, which in its first stage used the data generated by the Third Regional Explanatory Comparative Study (TERCE after its acronym in Spanish) conducted by the Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación (LLECE in Spanish) from UNESCO. Our research shows the average test results, performance levels and associated factors. The effect of schools on the variability of learning achievement through a multilevel regression model was quantified. The association between learning achievement and the characteristics of students, teachers and principals was studied using Pearson Correlation Coefficient for quantitative variables; meanwhile, for qualitative variables the Gamma Coefficient was used. In relation to the associated factors, at the student level, the negative incidence was repetition and if the student works. Factors of positive incidence were identified as having books and notebooks, the motivation of the teachers towards their students to continue studying, and the explanation that teachers give to their students during class. Our study allows recommendations to improve effective learning in Panama.


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Author Biographies

Daysi Jackson

Docente, Colegio San Carlos, Ministerio de Educación. Panamá.

Rosa Arrocha

Docente, Departamento de Estadística, Facultad de Economía, Universidad de Panamá. Panamá.

Jaime Estrella

Investigador independiente, Especialista en gestión de investigación. Panamá.



How to Cite

Jackson, D., Arrocha, R., & Estrella, J. (2021). El TERCE en Panamá: una mirada a los logros de aprendizaje y factores asociados. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 9(1), 31–45. https://doi.org/10.37387/ipc.v9i1.209