Mental health and identity in sexual diversity: challenges and risk factors in LGBTQ+ people
mental health, identity, risk factors, diversity, LGBTQAbstract
LGBTQ+ individuals belong to a vulnerable population and experience challenges that affect not only how they integrate their identity throughout their lives, but also their mental health. Mental health disparities in the sexually diverse population have been studied and are evidenced by higher incidences of psychopathological symptoms compared to heterosexual individuals. There are several risk factors that affect the psychological functioning of LGBTQ+ individuals, including experiences of discrimination, sexual orientation and gender identity conversion practices, suicide risk, presence of psychological symptoms, among others. However, factors that protect the LGBTQ+ person to have a healthy identity development and mitigate psychological distress have also been identified. This article aims to explore the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity, understand how different authors explain LGBTQ+ identity formation, and finally discuss the mental health implications of being sexually diverse.
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